The true function of schools

People are mistaken that school being mandatory is for our own good. Those people are are naive and refuse to live in the real world. When you ask people to argue why schooling is important, they will say foolish things like "it is to prepare you for society" and "it will help you get a job" and they are correct, but those are the exact reasons why it's bad and the fact that they don't realize this is the idea. Conflating state education with actual education is no accident and makes it easier to defend because education is always good. The oppressive authoritative capitalistic system is not a good thing and therefore, any institution that conditions you to it is also not a good thing. An "uneducated" public is a public that would be too difficult to govern which is what schools are for. The education system was invented for one purpose and that was to socially condition the public into obidence to authority. It is a factory that socializes us into relinquishing our autonomy. When mandatory schooling first appeared, people actually fought against it because they knew exactly what it was about and what it was for. Do you really think they made "education" mandatory and spending millions on them was out of altruism of the powerful?

This idea of "socialising people for the real world" is just a nicer way of saying "re-education for social control"; it is put that way to get non-thinkers to turn their brain off and think nothing of it. School exists to limit your thinking and your options rather than the opposite like people tell you. The fact that not enough people question it to challenge its existance proves that the conditioning has worked and makes it evident that the mass public are too unaware of how things really work; it is a psychological operation to get people to work against their own interests. Nothing should be above questioning or scrutiny and we apply that mindset all the time when it comes to things like what cultural things are still okay and which ones are outdated, but the existance of the current education system can't be questioned. What is taught in schools is not knowledge or life skills, what is taught is conformity, subjegation, heirarchy, obedience and competition. These are things that are required for an unfair and broken society to function.

There are two kinds of "success" or "life" schools will prepare you for. Private schools prepare you for the world of the elite; It is a place where students are socialized into the elite society. State schools, which most of society attends, are designed to prepare people to be ruled by the elite with the lie that the reason that they aren't higher up on the societal heirarchy is because they didn't try hard enough at school. They are trained to find jobs and to be obedient workers that never question the authority of their "superiors". We are then graded on our work that encourage us to compare ourselves to others and feel terrible for getting bad grades. We are trained to compete against the hard work of others and see them as enemies and rivals to overcome, competing for awards like approval from the teacher or ranking on some sort of leaderboard rather than seeing learning and self improvement as a team effort of people wanting to achieve the same things. When children are finished with work, they are rewarded with more work, but this time it's mindless busy work just to fill in the time like you would at work. So it is true; school prepares you for work -- the bullshit of work.

What does it even mean to be educated? Can anyone really call themselves educated when they don't even know how to think critically? Yes, because we have been brainwashed into thinking that going to school makes us educated when it does the opposite. Critical thinking not being part of the education system is not an oversight, it's a feature! Think of how learning these extremely important things would be in the modern world which is filled with so much deception. What use is reading things in English lessons if you are not taught to review information and spot errors and bad arguments. Think of how useful and relevant science lessons would be if people learned how to read and review scientific data and to understand the methodology of conducting experiments. They don't teach them the scientific method, they just make them read textbooks and memorize facts. Sure, they do go over these things in schools, but understanding it has no bearing in how well you do in science classes, so there's no incentive to really understand it. Just get all the answers right and you're good.

The stagnation and lack of evolution in education is down to strict adherence tradition, and tradition ought to be questioned. The people who defend the education system are non thinkers who think they are smart when really they know nothing and are only willing to listen to the same people who conditioned them - basically baby duck syndrome. Your "success" was determined as soon as you attended your first day of school. School is not there to educate you, it is there to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO!

See also:
What to look for in a classroom
Progressive education
Democracy and education